A cloud-native alternative to legacy Sonatype Nexus

Native support for 28 package formats. Proxy and cache OSS upstreams. Scan packages and build usage policies. Switch to Cloudsmith.

What sets Cloudsmith apart

  1. Fully managed service
    Goodbye server maintenance; we take care of everything
  2. Secure
    ISO certified with fine-grained access controls
  3. Low cost
    Plans for teams of all sizes, starting at just $89 per month

Cloudsmith vs Sonatype Nexus. What’s the way forward for your team?

With Sonatype NexusWith Sonatype Nexus you incur incredibly high operational costs associated with licensing, configuring, maintaining, patching Sonatype Nexus
With CloudsmithCloudsmith offers a fully managed, cloud-based solution with one transparent cost, no maintenance chores, no security patching. Your engineers can get back to productive work, not patching servers
Sonatype Nexus is prohibitively expensive for small teams who need essential artifact management
With Cloudsmith there are no minimum number of seats; our plans are based on storage and bandwidth usage. Our Pro plan is $89 a month, and we have options available for teams of all sizes
Sonatype Nexus is an on-premises architecture that, by definition, is slow, fragile and difficult to scale - especially for distributed teams
Cloudsmith is built on a high performance, highly resilient, completely cloud-based architecture. We're designed to serve distributed teams of any size, scaling automatically as your needs change

What developers are saying

We love our customers, and the feedback tells its own story. Discover how organizations are using Cloudsmith.


We're here to support your next steps with Cloudsmith

Start your free trial and try Cloudsmith for real. When you're ready to talk, we'll support you as you adopt fully-featured, long-term, secure package management for your team

Cloudsmith engineers are here to help you
  • Hear about your situation and your desired outcomes
  • Discuss the differences between Cloudsmith and Sonatype Nexus
  • Learn about trends and best practices in artifact management
  • Schedule an engineer-led that addresses your needs