Product / Formats

Create your own Private NPM Registry with Cloudsmith

echo "Use Cloudsmith just like you would"
Use Cloudsmith just like you would
npm config set registry
npm install my_cloudsmith_package
added 1 package from 1 contributor in 2.144s

How we support it

We provide a high-level of compatibility with the official npmjs API meaning you can use the official CLI client (npm) for installing, managing, and publishing your own private and public npm packages to Cloudsmith. Or if you prefer you can use the Cloudsmith UI, API or CLI.

    Create Public & Private NPM registries for your teams
    Cloudsmith supports private and public npm package registries
    Feature-Complete NPM Solution
    Cloudsmith provides high-level of compatibility with official npmjs API. Users can use npm client to install, manage and publish packages to Cloudsmith.
    A fully-managed NPM registry solution that offers you the elasticity, flexibility, and scalability distributed teams demand
    High Performance
    Your npm packages will be distributed to teams via 410+ points of presence around the world
    Security Scanning
    Scan your NPM packages images for malware and CVEs, and build rules into how to handle vulnerabilities.
    Zero Trust
    Create public or private registries, and use Cloudsmith’s flexible tools and tokens to control who has access
We were in a pinch: our customers were justifiably angry with us because the service we were managing was unreliable. Our paid NPM registry was a mess. But with Cloudsmith we were able to seamlessly transition to their platform and immediately provide a rock-solid upgrade to every customer we have
Font Awesome

Rob Madole

Senior Software Engineer at Font Awesome


We're here to help you get started with NPM on Cloudsmith

Talk to a Cloudsmith expert today
  • Discuss your technical environment and NPM use cases
  • Share your objectives and any key metrics
  • Arrange an engineer-led demonstration of Cloudsmith
  • Hear about Cloudsmith plans and pricing for your team


There’s more than just NPM on Cloudsmith