A fully-managed alternative to JFrog Artifactory

Native support for 28 package formats. Proxy and cache OSS upstreams. Scan packages and build usage policies. Switch to Cloudsmith.

What sets Cloudsmith apart

  1. Fully managed service
    No more patching servers; we take care of security and scaling
  2. Secure
    ISO certified with fine-grained access controls
  3. Low cost
    Plans for teams of all sizes, starting at just $89 per month

Cloudsmith vs JFrog Artifactory. What’s the way forward for your team?

With ArtifactoryIncredibly expensive to license and maintain - JFrog Artifactory is the worst of all worlds
With CloudsmithCloudsmith is a fully maintained solution, with affordable pricing plans to suit all teams, and friendly support when you need it
Poor sales experience where your needs aren’t heard. Support requests that weave through endless middle management. Terrible customer experience across all touchpoints - we've heard it all
With Cloudsmith you'll speak to engineers who understand your needs from Day 1. Fanatical support, directly from our engineering teams, whenever you need to solve problems
Legacy, on-premises architecture - your servers, your people, your problem (even when it's pretending to be a SaaS product).
Cloudsmith is a fully managed, completely cloud-native architecture - built specifically to lower the cost and complexity of software artifact management
Constant struggles with performance, especially for distributed teams
Cloudsmith serves your distributed teams from 410+ points of presence around the globe - with downloads are so fast they feel local
No elastic scaling - you’re either struggling to catch up by adding servers, or burning money with too much capacity
Cloudsmith automatically scales as demand for your software changes; you'll never need to worry about scaling again

Swap scattered silos for one centralized hub

Compatibility with 28+ package and container formats, a host of DevOps tools, and native tooling means you can consolidate all your teams and activity into one centrally managed platform and simplify software management.

Proxy and dependency management

Let Cloudsmith proxy your open source software packages from upstream sources. You pull. We search and cache, so even your OSS dependencies are secured and managed.

Enterprise compatibility

Streamline access control and easily monitor asset usage across your organization, ensuring compliance and auditability from one centralized source of truth.

Multi-format repositories

Modern tech stacks use multiple languages, frameworks, and tools. Cloudsmith’s multi-format repositories are ideally suited to this environment.

Everything always in sight

Encourage package reuse or quickly search your supply chain for compromised artifacts with Cloudsmith’s powerful, accurate search. Or use search filters to create fine-grained access tokens.

Support for native tooling

Developers can continue using their normal package management tools - with Cloudsmith as the single destination for pushing and pulling packages.

Accelerate and Compete

Get off your own servers. Access fully-managed cloud architecture that’s built for scale, resilience and speed.

  • Global package delivery network
  • Upstream caching
  • Edge caching
  • Integrations with your DevOps tech stack

A single point of control

Control access to OSS packages by proxying and caching public registries. Ensure your team remains secure and productive, even when a public repository goes down.

Cutting edge performance at scale

Reduce roundtrip times and supercharge throughput with caching, requests, and authentication of artifacts and metadata at the edge.

Imperceptible latency worldwide

Serve remote teams, customers, and systems from 410+ points of presence for delivery and downloads that are so fast they feel local.

Automatic elasticity

Our elastic load balancing and node layers mean your service automatically scales as demand increases. No new instances for DevOps to configure. No interruptions or delays.

Talk to a Cloudsmith expert about migrating from Artifactory
  • Get advice tailored to your situation
  • Hear about migration best practices
  • Learn about trends in software supply chain
  • Book a demonstration

Formats & Integrations

Lower your infrastructure costs, and build and store every major package format. We’re here to help you get started.

What developers are saying

We love our customers, and the feedback tells its own story. Discover how organizations are using Cloudsmith.


We're here to support your next steps with Cloudsmith

Start your free trial and try Cloudsmith for real. When you're ready to talk, we'll support you as you adopt fully-featured, long-term, secure package management for your team

Cloudsmith engineers are here to help you
  • Hear about your situation and your desired outcomes
  • Discuss the differences between Cloudsmith and Artifactory
  • Learn about trends and best practices in artifact management
  • Schedule an engineer-led that addresses your needs